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The missing necklace Lesson 68

时间:2012-11-30 11:37来源:教学设计点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 68

1. Revision

Make up sentences using "The Attributive Clause"

Act out the short play "Who stole the necklace?"

2. Lead – in

T: An inspector is helpful and great, do yon know any inspector? How do they work?

3. Presentation

T: Today we are going to listen to a dialogue between a policeman and a woman. Guess what has happened.

4. Listening

(1) Go through Ex I in wb Lesson 68

(2) Listen to the tape and do Ex 1 in wb. Lesson 68

The answers are: I.A 2.B 3.C; 4.A

(3) Say out the main idea of the dialogue

5. Read and answer

(1) Listen to tile tape and look at the pictures

Question: Which of those men is the robber?

Answers: the fourth one from the let.

(2) Reading after the tape.

(3) Read aloud and find the answer to the question:

Question: What’s the robber like?

6. Practice

(1) Deal with Part 3 complete the sentences.

Answers: The girl who borrowed my VCD never gave it back to me.

The book that I ’m reading is called “The Great Escape”

Have you done the homework which Miss Zhao gave us last week?

The person who broke that window must pay for it.

This is the present that my grandmother gave me for Christmas.

(2) Do Ex 2-3 in wb. Lesson 68

7. Speak and write

(1) Make a conversation in pairs.

(2) Write a report about the robbery.

8. Read and write

Read through the passage and complete the passage.

The answers are: she saw, black, quite short, were small, was big.

9. Practice

Do Ex 4-6 in wb Lesson 68

10. Consolidation

Fill in the blanks with proper words

1) The man I met yesterday was Mr. Jones.

2) The story I read was very exciting.

3) I know the girl is wearing a red coat.

4) The people live in the village are very friendly.

5) The cars made in Shenyang are sold well.

6) The person broke the window ran away.

7) The man you saw was a robber.

8) This is the present my mother gave me.

11. Conduction

Checkpoint 17

Go though Checkpoint 17. Make sure that all the students can understand them and see if they can use them freely.

12. Homework:

1) Read:

Read the dialogue of Lesson 68.

2) Review:

Revise all the contents of Unit 17.

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