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Lesson 53 Your Future and English

时间:2012-11-16 13:47来源:好好学习点击:字体:[ ]

1. Class Opening and Review


T: Hello everyone! Let’s begin our class. First, let’s sing a song: Say the word


Review the content of last class: How to write a letter?

Ask some students to read his/her letter which he/she writes.

2. Teaching Procedures

Step 1

T: Learning English will help you find a good job in the future. Do you know what jobs use English? And what job you would like to have? (Ask some students to answer the questions)

Step 2

1. Write the words about English jobs’ name, such as: translator, diplomats, Business person, computer programmer, hotel worker, scientist, and journalist.

2. Explain the words one by one

Vocabulary point

1. translate v., translator n.(person), translation n.

translate sth. into sth.(language)

2. communicate v., communication n.

communicate with sb.

3. foreign adj., foreigner n.(person)

4. international

Step 3

Ask the students to read the text and think about the question what other jobs use English (fifteen minutes)

Step 4

* Dialogue between Danny and Brain

Expressions and Sentences

1. look up

2. What does…mean?

* Make a dialogue between two students like Danny and Brain

3. Homework

1. Read the text frequently

2. Learn to use the new words and make sentences with the words.

4. Class closing

Sing the song again.

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