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时间:2014-11-26 09:32来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

(一) 并列句
两个或两个以上的简单句用等立连词或用分号、冒号、逗号等连在一起构成的句子叫并列句。常用的等立连词有and, or, but, so, for, neither, nor, while, whereas等。
1) It was a cold snowy day.
He had no money left for food.  (and)
2) Hurry up.
You’ll be late.    (or)
3) It rained heavily last night.
I went to the show anyway.  (but)
4) I enjoy classical music.
She enjoys classical music, too.  (so)
5) He must be ill.
He is absent today.   (for)
  6) Some people waste food.
Others haven’t enough.   (while)
 7)   She is fat.
        Her husband is thin.    (whereas)
 8)   She cannot read.
        She cannot write, either.    (neither)

(二) 复合句
 名词从句
1. 主从连词:that(无词义),whether(是否),if(是否)
2. 连接代词:who(谁),whom(谁),whose(谁的),what(什么),which(哪一个,哪一些)
3. 连接副词:when(什么时候),where(什么地方),why(为什么),how(怎样)
1. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为主语从句。
1) They need more help in English.
That is quite obvious.
2) She is still alive.
That is good news.
3) She will come here.
It doesn’t seem likely.
4) The children came to the zoo.
They like the pandas best.
5) We are badly in need of something.
It is raw material.

2. 将下面每组中的词连成句子,使其中包含主语从句。
1) did not, a pity, he, come earlier, it’s, that
2) smoking, it is, cause, a well-known fact, lung cancer, can, that
3) encouraged him, it is, but, help him, true, actually, I, that, didn’t
4) they, keep their promise, didn’t, seem, it, likely, that, would ever
5) why, for criticism, hard to understand, had singled out, Mary, it was, Prof. Hardy

3. 将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从句。
1) What kind of show are they putting on?
Can you tell me?
2) Is the letter overweight?
I’m wondering.
3) How can we improve our study habits?
I am thinking of that.
4) Is Henry the right person for the job?
We are still uncertain as to that.
5) Peter has a slight headache sometimes.
He has always been in good health except that.
6) He had forgotten to take his notebook with him.


