> 节日手抄报:
元旦 春节 迎新年 元宵节 植树节 清明节 青年节 母亲节 端午节 父亲节 中秋节 教师节 国庆节 重阳节 万圣节 感恩节
圣诞节 六一儿童节 三八妇女节 我的中国梦 世界无烟日 中国传统文化 小学生手抄报
> 专题手抄报:
读书 数学 英语 语文 历史 汉字 诗歌 童话 法制 科技 秋天 乡情 雷锋 军训 廉洁 文明 普通话 防溺水 爱牙护牙
保护环境 低碳生活 垃圾分类 节约用水 勤俭节约 创建文明城市 爱路护路 讲文明树新风 珍爱生命 我爱文学 心理健康 我爱我家
北京精神 红领巾心向党 祖国在我心中 民族团结 交通安全 消防安全 食品安全 防震减灾 安全教育 热爱祖国 国防教育 感恩教育


时间:2015-06-03 10:13来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

  We gave him some advice on what to choose.


  来自:In a Bookstore-在书店

  I often upload my pictures and get some advice from others who can draw well.




  来自:关于微博的英语作文 Micro Blog

  Your advice and encouragement guide me through many difficulties .


  来自:给爸爸的一封信A Letter to Father

  Exchange of ideas helps make a self-criticism; at the same time their advice not only is the best consultation to me but also gives me many new ideas with which I may solve many problems in many years to come.



  So I advice those people who have condition go abroad for a while.


  来自:如何学好英语How to learn English Well?

  With stimulation of alcohol, people sometimes overestimate their own and try to do something dangerous despite of the advice of the people around them.


  来自:严禁酒后驾车Drinking, No Driving

  Here is my advice that we should learn the new words by reading, or use the new words to make sentences.


  来自:怎样学好英语 How to Learn English Well?

  The doctor will give you the most valuable advice to keep a healthy heart.


  来自:如何防止心脏病 How to Prevent Heart Disease