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时间:2014-11-08 09:38来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

  This year, major roads have been repaired and the number of public buses has been increased. Moreover, a traffic safety campaign has made all the local people more aware of the dangers of unsafe driving. So, I am confident that there will be even fewer car accidents in Walton in the future.

Film Is Giving Way to TV
The latest statistics show that the number of people attending cinemas is getting steadily smaller. At the same time, the number of television viewers is growing at almost the same rate.
Experts say that these two trends are connected in three ways. First, over the past few decades television sets have appeared in almost every home. Second, films very quickly become available on video, and can be shown on the TV screen. Third, it is becoming more expensive to make films, and so the prices of cinema seats are rising.
However, this does not mean the death of the movie industry. There will always be people who prefer to go out to see a film. This is because no matter how good a TV film or video is, it can never be as a film shown on the "big screen."

Health Gains in Developing Countries
  The developing countries have made great strides in the health conditions of their populations. The above graphs show that between 1960 and 1990 life expectancy in these countries increased from about 40 to almost 60. At the same time infant mortality declined from roughly 200 deaths for every 1,000 births to around 100.
  There are two main reasons for this improvement. The first is that the economics of those countries have developed rapidly in recent decades. And consequently (as a result), there is more money available for health care. The second is that the governments of developing countries are paying more attention to education in hygiene.
  If this trend continues, developing countries will soon approach the developed countries in terms of health care. People will live longer and healthier lives. The result of this will be happier and more productive populations.
  The topic sentence states the topic and a controlling idea concerning that topic .Look at the following example.
People give many reasons for "owning a car." The controlling idea is "reasons." All the supporting ideas in the paragraph should be "reasons for owning a car."
  The following phrases or ones similar to these can be used in your topic sentence to express the controlling idea:
the reasons for ……的理由
the causes of(the effects of) ……的原因、起因


