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时间:2015-06-26 10:29来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

  "Yes," she said. "It's a fine blanket." She felt the wool and repeated in surprise, "A fine blanket—I'll say it is!" She turned to Dad and said to him coldly, "That blanket really cost something."

  Dad cleared his throat and said, "I wanted him to have the best. . . ."

  "It's double, too," she said, as if accusing Dad.

  "Yes," said Granddad, "it's double—a fine blanket for an old fellow to be going away with."

  17 The boy went suddenly into the house. He was looking for something. He could hear that girl scolding Dad. She realized how much of Dad's money—her money, really—had gone for the blanket. Dad became angry in his slow way. And now she was suddenly going away in a huff(生气的).

  As Petey came out, she turned and called back, "All the same, he doesn't need a double blanket!" And she ran off up the path.

  Dad was looking after her as if he wasn't sure what he ought to do.

  "Oh, she's right," Petey said. "Here, Dad"—and he held out a pair of scissors. "Cut the blanket in two."

  Both of them stared at the boy, startled. "Cut it in two, I tell you, Dad!" he cried out. "And keep the other half."

  "That's not a bad idea," said Granddad gently. "I don't need so much of a blanket."

  "Yes," the boy said harshly, "a single blanket's enough for an old man when he's sent away. We'll save the other half, Dad. It'll come in handy later."

  "Now what do you mean by that?" asked Dad.

  "I mean," said the boy slowly, "that I'll give it to you, Dad— when you're old and I'm sending you—away."

  There was a silence. Then Dad went over to Granddad and stood before him, not speaking. But Granddad understood. He put out a hand and laid it on Dad's shoulder. And he heard Granddad whisper, "It's all right, son. I knew you didn't mean it. . . ." And then Petey cried.

  But it didn't matter—because they were all crying together.