> 节日手抄报:
元旦 春节 迎新年 元宵节 植树节 清明节 青年节 母亲节 端午节 父亲节 中秋节 教师节 国庆节 重阳节 万圣节 感恩节
圣诞节 六一儿童节 三八妇女节 我的中国梦 世界无烟日 中国传统文化 小学生手抄报
> 专题手抄报:
读书 数学 英语 语文 历史 汉字 诗歌 童话 法制 科技 秋天 乡情 雷锋 军训 廉洁 文明 普通话 防溺水 爱牙护牙
保护环境 低碳生活 垃圾分类 节约用水 勤俭节约 创建文明城市 爱路护路 讲文明树新风 珍爱生命 我爱文学 心理健康 我爱我家
北京精神 红领巾心向党 祖国在我心中 民族团结 交通安全 消防安全 食品安全 防震减灾 安全教育 热爱祖国 国防教育 感恩教育


时间:2015-06-26 10:29来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

  "I picked the big ones!" said Brian. "Boy, I want to cook one! Light the fire, Daddy, quick!"

  "All right, all right, settle down." Bob winked at me. "They won't spoil." He lit some small sticks while the kids ran for their hot dog forks.

  "Mine will be better because they're so little," predicted Julie. Brian shrugged, mashing two large ones on his fork.

  We waited for the culinary verdict.

  "Wow! Brian's eyes rounded with surprise. "These are sure better than those old ones in the bags!" He reached for another. "These are so good!"

  "Of course," I said. "These are really fresh!"

  Julie looked puzzled. "How come all those marshmallow bushes don't have the same kinds of leaves?"

  "Just different kinds, that's all," I replied quickly. "Like flowers."

  "Oh." She licked her fingers, seemingly satisfied with my answer. Then, studying the next marshmallow before she popped it into her mouth, she looked up with the sweetest smile and said softly, "We're so lucky that they bloomed today!"