

  • 日期:2012-04-25 10:41
  • 来源: 网友上传
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前几天一个家长来咨询,他的孩子刚刚被美国的中学开除了,原因是剽窃。家长给我看了学校关于这个学生的官方文件,上面清晰写明,因为学生在完成一项英文作业的时候有剽窃行为,违反了学校Honor Code,之后在被警告过之后,学生又三次犯了同样的错误,因为学校决定开除学生。




Preparation of Papers and Other Work: Plagiarism and Collaboration

All homework assignments, projects, lab reports, papers and examinations submitted to a course are expected to be the student's own work. Students should always take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. The term "sources" includes not only published primary and secondary material, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people.

The responsibility for learning the proper forms of citation lies with the individual student. Quotations must be placed properly within quotation marks and must be cited fully. In addition, all paraphrased material must be acknowledged completely. Whenever ideas or facts are derived from a student's reading and research or from a student's own writings, the sources must be indicated.

Students are expected to be familiar with the booklet entitled Writing with Sources and Computer Rules and Responsibilities, available in the office of their Allston Burr Senior Tutor or Assistant Dean of Freshmen. Students who are in any doubt about the preparation of academic work should consult their instructor and Allston Burr Senior Tutor or Assistant Dean of Freshmen before the work is prepared or submitted.

Students who, for whatever reason, submit work either not their own or without clear attribution to its sources will be subject to disciplinary action, and ordinarily required to withdraw from the College.



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