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英语手抄报:A Promise Kept(2)

时间:2015-07-07 08:59来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

  Mom said, "Well, Dad said that when he read your letter, it made him cry. It meant a lot to him and I have hardly ever seen your dad cry. After he read your letter, he called to ask if he could come over to talk. Whatever you said really made a difference to your dad."

  A few days later my dad was back, this time to stay. We never talked about the letter, my dad and I. I guess I always figured that it was something that was a secret between us.

  My parents went on to be married a total of thirty six years before my dad's early death at the age of fifty three cut short their lives together. In the last sixteen years of my parent's marriage, I and all those who knew my mom and dad witnessed one of the truly "great" marriages. Their love grew stronger every day, and my heart swelled with pride as I saw them grow closer together.

  When Mom and Dad received the news from the doctor that his heart was deteriorating rapidly, they took it hand in hand, side by side, all the way.

  After Dad's death, we had the most unpleasant task of going through his things. I have never liked this task and opted to run errands(捎信,跑腿) so I did not have to be there while most of the things were ided and boxed up.

  When I got back from my errand, my brother said, "Kristi, Mom said to give this to you. She said you would know what it meant."

  As I looked down into his outstretched hand, it was then that I knew the impact of my letter that day so long ago. In my brother's hand was my picture that I had given my dad that day. My unsentimental dad, who never let his emotions get the best of him; my dad, who almost never outwardly showed his love for me, had kept the one thing that meant so much to him and me. I sat down and the tears began to flow, tears that I thought had dried up from the grief of his death but that had now found new life as I realized what I had meant to him. Mom told me that Dad kept both the picture and that letter his whole life. I have a box in my home that I call the "Dad box". In it are so many things that remind me of my dad. I pull that picture out every once in a while and remember. I remember a promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day, and I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter.