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《牛津小学英语》1B Unit 3 Colours

时间:2015-04-17 08:10来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、教学内容:《牛津小学英语》1blet’s learnlet’s play
1、能听懂、会说、认读以下八个有关颜色的单词: red、blue、yellow、green、pink、purple、brown、orange;
2、能用what colour is it? it is…进行问答。
(1)sing a song;
(2)greeting with everyone;
(3)ask some question, call some student answer it。
(1)show a red colour chalk to students
t: what colour is it?
s: red.
t: yes, it’s red (write the word on the blackboard) follow me [red](repeat three times)
(teach the word “blue” in the same way)
(2)ask a student on the yellow clothes
t: what colour is it?
s: yellow
t: right! it’s yellow (write the word on the blackboard) follow me [yeleu](s repeat it, say it one by one)
t: look, chen wear a green clothes. (write the word on the blackboard) follow me (s repeat it, say it group by group)
(3)show students a pink balloon
t: what colour is it?
s: it’s pink.
t: good! it is pink (write the word on the blackboard) follow me (s repeat it, say it one by one)
(teach the word “purple” in the same way)
(4)show student a brown colour card
t: what colour is it?
s: it is brown.
t: yes, it is brown. (write the word on the blackboard) follow me (s repeat it, say it with other words)
(teach the word “purple” in the same way)
(1)listen to the tape and read after the tape while look at the word;
(2)work in group of 4:one say a colour, the other three point at the right colour card as quickly as possible;
(3)play a game : guess what colour it is?
t: (hide a colour card, then say) what colour is it? guess!
s: it is red
t: no, it is green./ yes, you are right.
(1)put all the colour cards together , then ask the students say them out one after another;
(2)look at the words and read them out;
(3)do what teacher say: teacher say a colour ,all students draw the right colour on the paper, then show it。
(1)do the workbook ;
(2)say out the colours in your bedroom, then tell them to your parents。
《牛津小学英语》1b unit 3 colours 来自第一范文网。

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