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Unit 2 Small animals The Fourth Period

时间:2015-04-14 08:59来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
let’s play一 教学目标1 知识目标:问句 what do you see?2 能力目标:会熟练运用问句进行对话。3 情感目标:使学生发现事物的特征,培养细心观察的好习惯。二 教学重点:问答句的使用。三 教学难点:单词发音。四 教具准备:student’s book 1b page 10cassette 1b and a cassette playerpaper cut-outs of bind bee butterfly frog and rabbitwork book 1b page 8五 教学过程warming up1 song: hello ,how are you?2 rhyme3 reed the words: bird, rabbit ,butterfly , frog bee 4 make some sentences.“i see a …” while-task procedure:1play a gameguess: what’s in my hand ?what do you see?[ruler ,paper ,bag┄]2repeat:what do you see?3 work in pairs4 actp1:what do you see?     p2:i see a …5 show paper cut-outs of bird bee butterfly frog and rabbit.t: what do you see?students answer.6 listen to the tape.    post-task activitywork book page 8:draw the other half of each small animals.      歌曲引入,增强学习气氛,使学习氛围更加浓烈。让学生做一个有礼貌的好孩子。  句型操练,增加练习机会。 游戏形式,调动学生参与的积极性,重点在于问句的反复出现。      图片的使用,学生更加形象。    学学,涂涂,画画,符合一年级学生的年龄特点。在完成作业的同时也满足了他们的成就感。 板书设计:课后小结:
unit 2 small animals the fourth period 来自第一范文网。

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