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3B unit 3 Numbers 课堂实录

时间:2015-04-11 09:46来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、 教学目标:
1. 会说、会读、会拼写英文数字one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten. .
2. 培养学生的学习兴趣及运用数字于生活的能力。
二、 教学重点:
会说、会读、会拼写英文数字one , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten. .
三、 教学难点:
四、 教学过程:
step 1 greetings
t : hello , boys and girls . nice to meet you !
s : nice to meet you , to .
t : boys and girls , can you sing any english songs ? how about <abc song >
s : yes .
t : good .let’s sing <abc song > together . (cai播放<abc song >,师生一起边拍手边唱)
t : oh , well done ! now , look ,some letters are coming . do you know them ?
step 1 presentation and practice
1.t :(cai播放字母o)who ?
s : o
 cai继续逐个播放字母n e , 学生开火车认读 。
t : good ! o-n-e one (cai播放 one  1) read after me ! (用一根手指表示,带领学生上下声朗读两遍)
同法教学two three four , five , six , seven , eight , nine , ten. 每教完三个数字,就连起来区分巩固。
2.t: ok, boys and girls ,now , let’s play a game ! look at my fingers and say the numbers !
step 1 consolidation
t : good ! i know you all like playing games . so , let’s play more games ,ok?
s : ok! (非常激动)
cai播放 :
1.说说下列数字的左邻右舍(随着学生的回答板书,正好缺一个one ,于是,老师又问:what’s missing ?)
4.看看图中状况,说说应该拨打什么电话号码。(110, 114,119,120等)
6.小小交警(肇事车辆一闪而过,谁能看清牌照,如 ef315)
t: well done ! boys and girls . at last , let’s listen to a song about numbers .
7 . listen to a song <ten little indians>

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