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Unit4 Going about 第四课时

时间:2015-04-04 09:35来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
let’s play
language focus:
1. asking “wh-”questions to find out various kinds of specific information about a person.
2. using the simple present tense to express truth.
3. using the simple present tense to express interests and preference.
language skills:
1. using modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with others.
tape. pictures. recorder.
i.pre-task preparation:
1.  preview the words learned before.
2.  ask and answer:
—where do you live?
—do you live in …?
ii.while-task procedure:
1.  put up a wallchart.
point to the area and say:
this is pudong.
i love pudong.
2.  practise the structure.
—where do you live?
—i live in pudong.
—i love pudong.
3. encourage students to practise it one by one.
4. enlarge the knowledge:
      ' puxi'
tell students that puxi and pudong. are separated by the huangpu river. the area you live may be in pudong or in puxi.
5. consolidation:
      —where do you live?
—do you live in pudong or puxi?
—do you love pudong or puxi?
iii. post-task activity
workbook page 4
unit4 going about 第四课时 来自第一范文网。

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