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Lesson 23 教学设计

时间:2012-03-19 12:50来源:学习网点击:字体:[ ]

Class Opening and Review
Use the quiz in the student book as review. Observe your students closely. Here's how the audiotape goes:
(Mr. Wood) Are you ready to listen, cLAsS Stand for the right answer. Sit for the wrong answer.
1. Are mitts and mittens the same* Yes, they're the same!
2. What is Danny doing He's putting on his scarf.
3. What is Li Ming doing He's skating on the snow.
4. What season is this It's summer. What a windy day!
5. What are you learning You are learning to speak English! Good work!
How did you do Look at the answers below.
1. Yes! Mitts and mittens are the same! 2. Danny is putting on his hat. 3. Li Ming is skating on the ice. 4. It's fall. 5. You speak good English!
Sing "The Seasons Song."(See "Songs and
Chants~ ")
"The Snowman"
Use the storybook and audiotape.
Please see "Teaching Techniques at the back of this guide for instructions on how to teach stories. Make sure you cover all three steps.
Here are some questions you can use to prepare the students for the story. Use as much English as possible, but allow the discussion to take place in
Chinese where necessary.
Who is in this story (,4 boy and a snowman. )
What can this snowman do (Talk, skate and ski.)
Why do the students think the snowman is in the refrigerator at the end of the story
Here are some questions you can use to reinforce the main idea of the story.
When can the snowman talk
Can the snowman ski
Can he skate
Why is he in the refrigerator
Do you like this story Why or why not
Number 1 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:
Listen. Follow the directions and draw pictures.
a. Draw a snowman. The snowman is skating.
b. Please put a jacket on the snowman.
c. Please put mitts on the snowman.
d. There are boots beside the snowman.
e. There is ice under the snowman.
f. It is snowy and windy.
Class Closing
Student Book, Lesson 23 (all)
Storybook: "The Snowman"
Activity Book, Lesson 23: Number 1

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